Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I recently heard someone say that our greatest opportunities for growth are in our strengths, not in our weaknesses. What a profound statement to reflect on the things that God has gifted us with. If every person was meant to be developed perfectly in every, carpenter, computer technician, police man, counselor...then we could all take care of ourselves. There is deep need within each and every one of us to need others. This relational way of thinking reminds us to lean not on our own understanding, but to depend on something besides ourselves.

I have realized that when I think I can do things on my own, I tend to negate the strengths of those around me.

"Sugar, will you get this down for me?"

I have often found that I may need my husband's help to complete what others may view as a simple task.  His height, although he may not see it as anything to think twice about, is a strength he can use to bless those around him (ie. me).  Something so minute reminds me to be grateful that I have someone by my side and reiterates that we all have something to bring to the table.

We are each created to be different than those around us. And, the strengths that we posess that others do not, are the very things that someone may have a desperate need for.  Someone may look down on me for my emotional way of thinking, but I am there to cry with someone when they grieve the loss of their loved one and just need a shoulder to cry on.  We are wired to continually search for others. We are not meant to be alone. In fact, we are never alone.

I am reminded of the footprints in the sand that so boldly illustrate how our Heavenly Father carries us through our trials and tribulations. If once the storm rolled in, we began wandering aimlessly through life to say to those around us, "I got this. I don't need you," then we miss out on one of the greatest blessings of all in life. There is a reason why so many people find God in their hour of weakness. It is in that moment that they need something/someone else.

As beautiful as the statement was made, I feel the tug in my heart to change it to something bigger than what they initially stated.

Our greatest opportunity to grow others is in our strength.  As a Christian, my biggest strength is the very relationship that I have to offer each and every one around me. He fulfills my thirst from a well that will never run dry. He carries me through the things I think are impossible. He gives me a peace that surpasses understanding. He places the lives around me in my life for a reason. He gives purpose to my life and I will spend every day searching for His will for my life. When others put me down, He picks me up. He has gifted me with abilities, characteristics, and passions to bless those around me and use in a way that will honor his command to reach out to them. Although the things that define me are drastically different that the things that make up them, we are equally created to be boldly capable of anything. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

My God is my strength.

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