Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Beloved...

Over the years, I have come to realize the love of my Lord in so many ways. He is the center of everything. Without His compassion and mercy in my life, I wouldn't exist. I have always looked at Christ as my "Daddy", and everyday I grow to realize how much I need to focus on Him in every aspect of my life. I think I was wrong in imagining Him as my "eternal father". The worldly term Father suggests that we can find another person to take over the job. When we find that special someone, they fill the duties of our earthly father and fill a separate void. We find our husband, and somehow we allow them to become our provider. They take over the role of our father. Now, I see Christ as my Groom. He is my eternal lover. When I made that vow to accept Him, I took on a binding contract. There is no divorce of God. He is the one I can share my thoughts with...whether good or bad, I can confide in Him. He becomes the recipient of my secrets. He's the one I laugh with, cry with, and find strength in. The marriage journey I will on day embark on should be used as an illustration of love. I pray that others will look at the outward expression of love that my husband and I share. I pray they will take it as an example of how the church is to love Christ. Just as a wife submits herself to her husband, so should a Christian submit to Christ. Likewise, a husband is love his wife as Christ wholeheartedly and unconditionally loves His people. I pray I will be that wife.

Dear Lord,
Please use my body as a holy example of your work. Allow me to submissively love * as I should love you. Let me shine for non-believers around me. Give me the strength to smile and shed compassion in my marriage, even when my heart isn't in it. Please use * as your servant. Mold him according to your plan. Give him an open heart to understand your ways and love me in a manner pleasing to your Word. Let our marriage satisfy your good. I pray that in our weakness and short-comings, you will find strength in your might. Give us the wisdom and courage to face the world differently. Let us not lean on our own understanding...let us live for you. Let me realize the beauty of your neverending love and devotion. Allow me to listen attentively to what you have to say...always. I love you and I praise your precious and holy name.


Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life

The lust and the lies
And the past you’re afraid I might see
You’ve been running away from me

You’re my beloved lover
I’m yours
Death shall not part us
It’s you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we’ll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It’s a mystery

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need

I'm the giver of life
I’ll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Come running home to me

You’re my beloved lover
I’m yours
Death shall not part us
It’s you I died for
For better or worse forever we’ll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It’s a mystery

You’ve been a mistress my wife
Chasing lovers that won’t satisfy
Won’t you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips and you’ll taste new life

You’re my beloved lover
I’m yours
Death shall not part us
It’s you I died for
For better or worse forever we’ll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It’s a mystery