Thursday, July 18, 2013

In my world...

In my world
In my mind
I picture things different
All the time

My mornings begin with giggles and squeals
From tiny little voices
In which God is revealed

I don't rush to get ready
To drive away from home
Or sit in front of a screen
Or answer a phone

Instead I answer the continual "Why"
From curious learners
Hungry to know what's under God's sky

I make breakfast and get ready
To see what is in store
As each day is a new beginning
For us to explore

A kiss goodbye to the one I love
As he steps out the door
To do something worth working for

My lessons learned
Become things to teach
So that my family may know
Everything is within reach

I am needed, it's true
To rock and soothe and feed
A baby that depends strictly
On me to meet their needs

But it isn't just a title
The desire to be "mom"
There is something much more
To my dreams that I long

The greatest blessing so far in my life
Was when God graced me with the love
And a man took me as his wife

It wasn't just a ring, a diamond or a day
That defined my marriage
But it became me
In every way

Every decision from that moment on
Didn't belong to just me
It was for us, for a purpose
For God's greater need

To glorify Him was the desire of my heart
So that others may know
They are never apart

Joined as one
We became bigger than us
When we said I do
And committed to trust

So the life that I want isn't just about me
It is a life that I long for
So others may see

A family that is loving
Centered around Him
So that when they see our lives
They can't help but question

"Why are they so happy?"
"What's different about them?"
"I want what they have"
They will be changed from within

The pitter patter of little feet
Is only a moment
In God's grand scheme

Days fly by
People grow old
But the life that we live
Is His story to be told

May our lives be a witness
A way we can show
That the only thing that remains always
Is the salvation given from Him alone

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