Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 713

Every year my husband and I try to get away for a vacation-just the two of us. This year we struggled with whether or not we should go. With a surgery on the books coming up, and additional expenses coming out of our paychecks, we seriously considered staying at home and putting off our trip. Unfortunately, if my vacation time was not used prior to my surgery I would have had to use my time when I was off. This would mean I would miss out on the opportunity to get away at all this year.

With our health and attitudes going downhill, we made the last minute decision to go.

But where?

That seemed to be the infamous question. Before the extra medical expenses, we shot around the idea of going to Napa Valley to go horseback riding in the countryside. Stay in room with a view and a chance to see all nature had to offer (a horseback ride included).  Unfortunately, the trip was too long of a drive and flying was out of the question.

We talked about going back to Florida. Disney World? A chance to be a kid before we have kids; or, maybe down to the Florida Keys this time. Again, the driving distance seemed too much to tackle and we quickly tossed out that idea. Although, the beach seemed like the logical place to go for a vacation.

Colorado? Growing up, my family would take us kids on similar vacations across the southwest. Having been to Pikes Peak before, I thought it might be a nice trip to go up to the mountains and spend some time in a pretty lodge.  Maybe we could enjoy a ski trip and cozy fireplace to warm up to in the evenings.

Chicago?  What is there to do in Chicago besides go to a ballgame (not playing at the time), or chow down on bagels and pizza?

Georgia? I love Georgia peaches. The hillside in that area is breathtaking, and we considered making a trip through Greensboro, GA-just for the food. I researched places on the coastline and debated going to Savannah after remembering how beautiful my daddy described it after going on a business trip when I was younger. We could stay in Savannah one night, go to a honey bee company and tour the process/taste something sweet, have a night in town, and then head out to the beach for a getaway.

"You do realize that isn't a safe place to stay, don't you?"

My daddy quickly put that idea to rest when I let him know our plans. Therefore, I had my mind set up on Amelia Island. Aside from the fact that I just adore the name Amelia for a little girl, it was an exclusive section off the East coast-known for the wild horses that come through the sandy beaches. Known for its quaint bed and breakfasts, we would dine on the beach between candlelight and stay in private room overlooking the ocean in a gorgeous bed and breakfast. I could not wait!

Just kidding.

With the trip totaling over a 20 hour drive, we would have zero time to spend there. Not to mention the costs of some of these B&Bs were outrageous!

So, I planned the most romantic getaway to Pine Mountain, GA. We could sightsee and dine in mom and pop shops in the middle of town. Staying in a luxury hotel nestled amidst a 13,000 acre garden and nature preserve, we could take in the beauty of Callaway Gardens and explore nature at its finest.   Known for its beautiful gardens, hiking scenes, and animal adventure-it was perfect. I found hotels online and researched locations of each of the attractions in the area. We could even go horseback riding!

Sunday morning, we sat listened to the week's announcements as the pastor shared they were cancelling evening services due to the weather.

Wait, weather?

I didn't even think to look at the weather! So, I pulled up the national map on my phone as I watched the storms build throughout Oklahoma, Georgia, and Colorado. Then, down near the gulf was a perfectly sunny strip of shoreline.
Florida it is!

Already having packed outdoorsy weather, we had to rethink our belongings since we were now looking at three days on the beach. Tennis shoes were exchanged for flips. I tossed in a few towels and threw on a pair of sunglasses as I grabbed my floppy hat and camera.

*Enter loud obnoxiously scary noise here.

Suddenly, the tornado sirens rang as we were forced to put our plans on hold. We watched as the swirl grew in the sky-touching down just miles away from family north of our home. We waiting impatiently in the hallway with the pups and a mattress pulled off the master bed.  Finally, it passed and we were able to drive to take the granddogs to their Mimi and Papaw's.

We weren't on the road until approximately 8pm that evening. Knowing it was a 17hour drive there, we trekked across town as the sun set beside us. The night was long, but the drive was longer. As we made our way from state-to-state, we pushed through the darkness until the sun came out. Then, we continued to our final destination-relaxation.

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