Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Calling

Over the years, I have come to love the feeling when my mind meets the page as I write. Whether in gratitude or despair, it never fails that I feel better when I can write my thoughts. I have said for quite some time that I have wanted to write a book.  There is something about the idea that my own words may circulate around the world and touch, even one soul.

No, it wouldn't be to boast or brag (for my story is far from something to be proud of at times). It wouldn't be to win an award or gain publicity (for sometimes the thought of being "known" is fearful in my heart). It is, however, for the simple joy of taking the memories that overflow my mind and putting them out there (maybe for closure in some cases). Maybe just one person will hear what I have to say and think, "I know exactly what you mean." It would be worth the pain to relive some of the heartache I have felt to know that someone may stop going down the path they have chosen at that time.

Therefore, I am playing with the idea of starting my book. Something I have toyed with for years (and started a few times prior). A book that no one may see worth reading, but I definitely feel it is worth telling.

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