Monday, May 16, 2011

The Week Before Marriage...

Dear World,

This is the last week of the old me. As of Saturday, I will no longer have the same name, same ID, or same left hand. I will no longer mark the "single" status when filling about paperwork. My permanent address changes, it becomes OUR home, and I will have a husband. Until that day, I am merely me. This translates to waking up early in the morning, getting ready for work, making my daily drive, working eight-to-five and TRYING to place wedding planning into the mix.

You see, I have a confession. I AM obsessive compulsive when it comes to planning ESPECIALLY when it comes to weddings. I just love get togethers. The food, family and friends all surrounded by a beautiful atmosphere...I could do it everyday. Seriously, everyday. With this being said, I have planned this wedding to a T. First and foremost, however, there is one thing I truly desire for this day. More than any beautiful pink roses, gorgeous white drapes flowing from ceiling to floor, clear wine glasses that sparkle in the sunlight...more than white gown that makes me feel like a princess...I want to see tears of joy in the man that I love.

With all of this health-drama, I feel less than prepared for the day ahead of me. It's funny how something I have dreamt about for a decade, planned for a year, and prayed for can have so much surrounding it. Whoever had the smart idea of working all week before their wedding, wasn't so smart. And by saying "whoever", I mean me. Since I had been forced to take off for days at a time for testing and doctors appointments, I have little to no time before my big day to take off. This makes for a very hectic week ahead. I somehow have to pull everything together, meet out-of-town guests and new family members, and get all of the wedding "stuff" done in my freetime (And by saying "freetime", I mean the non-existent extra portion of the day that I don't already have a million and one things going through my head).

Ready or not, here I come!

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