Thursday, May 19, 2011

Two Days and Counting

Yes, you heard me right. I am officially two days away from the wedding. Not only am two days away, but I am 0 days away from no work until after Memorial Day. And thank goodness. This week has honestly taken a toll on me. I wish, I wish I could have given myself a few days to relax before the hustle and bustle of wedding fun. Oh well.

Today was, how can I put this lightly, awful. Running late to work this morning, I was on the phone with my momma telling her all of the many, many things I had to get AFTER work at Hobby Lobby. Before I knew it, I had taken a wrong turn and was almost to the Hobby Lobby parking lot. Yes, my brain is somewhere else.

Once arriving to my day job, I managed to pile on the "to do's" the more I sat there. Only half a day and yet, it seemed like there was no winning. I rushed on my lunch "hour" (actually the 30minutes I HAD to get out of the office in order to get some much needed errands wrapped up, grab SOMETHING to snack on, and talk to our officiant about the last minute details before he arrived in town). I guess I took the "rushing" too literally, because the next thing I knew my foot slipped onto the brakes as I saw a pretty little black-and-white car sitting across from me flashing their lights. You guessed it, police. Oh how I wish I could have taken those few moments of distraction back. How in the world had I managed to pull this one off? Two days before my wedding and I allowed myself to be so irresponsible that I did the deed. I took my eyes off of the speedometer and my foot to the floor. One hundred and sixty one dollars later, I was back at work, tears and all.

As I clocked in from my lunch "break", my boss sweetly mentioned that she did not have me off for that afternoon and asked me to stay and get my marriage license TOMORROW. Yes, to add to my long list of things to get done ONE DAY BEFORE MY WEDDING, the LAST thing I needed was to add a trip to the courthouse with the future hubbs.

On top of waking up early, getting all of my last minute (...and I do mean "last minute") shopping done, finalizing plans with vendors, trying to relax with my momma and sister as we spent the last few hours together getting our nails done (no time for pedicures, just manicures), checking lists over and over, getting my hair and makeup done as a trial run for the wedding (since I had to cancel my bridal pictures TWICE from being sick for the past few months), meeting with our officiant to figure out the ceremony details (without a program...because of course I didn't have time to make them), and having our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner...why not add an hour long process of driving to El Reno and waiting in line only to drive back in town to rush to get ready for MY wedding. It seems to me that people are forgetting that this isn't something that happens every other day. Although, in our society it happens more than it should. We are talking about the ONLY time I will be getting married. The one day of my life that I have dreamt of and prayed for over since I was a little girl.

So, when my boss asked me to stay and wait until the next day to run my "errand" (kind of important one seeing how if I didn't do it then there would be no "marriage"), I lost it. I choked back the tears and put my job on the line as I told her, "No, I can't do it tomorrow. I'm already cutting it close to the courthouse closing by me leaving at the time I am." Thus, I wrapped up my day at the office and ran to meet my groom.

Is it just me or does anyone else out there picture "the courthouse" as something similar to the state capital? You know, the tall steps leading to a large, white building that has been built to last with beautiful marble floors and tall columns. Hello? The courthouse was NOTHING like I envisioned. You walk into this dark hallway (with a metal detector lining the welcoming). Only to be greeted by cranky clerks that are there to sign paperwork and apparently are not happy to do it. Not only that, but how romantic is it to walk up to a counter that states "divorce decrees" just the left of the happy newlyweds?

Well, despite this let down, I didn't let it keep me from asking the officer to take our picture as we held up our marriage license next to the metal detector.

Finally, we headed out to meet the "whole gang" for the first of the weekend's festivities! Family, friends, food, and fellowship...what better way to start a wedding?!

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