Friday, January 1, 2010

No...Year, Happy No Year

Being the indecisive couple we are, Mr. Idon'tknowwhatwecoulddo and I discussed for days what we were going to do to celebrate the new year. We finally decided we would grab dinner at our favorite place and get back to watch movies until midnight.

It wasn't until morning had rolled around on the day of New Year's Eve that Mr. Fullofsurprises informed me that I needed to be ready around 6 o'clock that evening to go. Knowing me, I asked him what we were going to do. He replied, "McDonald's has a special going on that if you dress up you get free chicken nuggets."

-So...can I wear nice jeans and boots? I need to wear a dress?

"A dress."

-Well, are boots okay? Do I need to wear high heels?

"Not boots, that's how you get the free shake."

I giggled and asked him what he had to wear since he couldn't wear heels.

"A suit."

What in the world? A suit? It was too cold outside for me to wear my little-black dress. After tearing through all of my dresses, I found it in my best interest to go ahead and hit some of my favorite stores within the upcoming hours. I threw on some comfy clothes and was out the door.

First luck.

Second store...(As I'm in the dressing room) *Ring, ring*


"Have you found anything yet?"

-No. I'm trying on a few right now.

"Just make sure it's nice, nice, nice...and let me know what you find so I know what color suit to wear."

Moving on then...third store...two dresses to try on. (Hope for the best.)
Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!

I found a black satin dress with pleated details on the skirt and side-pockets, plunge neck-line, and belted waistband. On sale! It fit perfectly!

I called Mr. Wonderful to let him know I had found a black dress and was on my way. After a LONG day of waiting, I finally got ready.

I rolled my hair in my hot roller, swept some bangs to the side, applied my makeup, teased my hair and slipped in my favorite bump-it :D, and added some darling new pins for the final touch.
Zzzzip. Dress...check. Jewelry...check. Pink 4 1/2" high heels...check, check.

I was officially ready to go (to McDonald's, right?)

Mr. Handsome looked perfect in that pin-striped suit of his. As we loaded into the pick-up truck, we passed the local McDonald's on the corner. Then, we pulled to a stop in front of one of his old friend's house. was freezing outside! Literally. Ice was still adorning the local streets, and I could see my breath as we walked to the front doorstep.

Chocolate fondue...ymmm. Mr. WearesonotgoingtoMcDonald'stonight introduced me to all of his old friends as we sat and enjoyed snacks until everyone arrived.

Reservations at 8o'clock. We were going to the Petroleum Club downtown for dinner and fireworks.

-Smoked salmon, chilled shrimp, portobello mushroom, and scallion
-Fresh spinach salad
-Filet mignon with carrots and celery in burgundy sauce
-Chocolate pyramid mousse with truffles and fresh fruit

What a blast! We sat around and enjoyed each other's company and talked. The food was amazing! We listened to a live band and danced when we could. Hours later, the countdown began.


And, I started off a New Year with a sweet kiss, a sip of champagne, a gorgeous view of downtown, and a front row seat for the local fireworks.

Goodnight 2009. Thank you for the bittersweet ending to an old dream, the ability to move forward with my life, a happy beginning with someone I love, and all of the many, many precious memories we've shared together over the year. I am blessed.

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