Saturday, December 26, 2009


(way too early in the morning)

"Is it time to go to the dentist yet?"

We got up and around first thing to go to the nearest Dental Depot (one of the only places open on Saturdays). Mr. Right drove Momma and me through the ice. It was still pretty bad that morning, but at least his pick-up truck could get through most of it.

How awful to be checking in for an appointment without a front tooth?

They called me back (finally) and I watched the little train chug-a-lug around the tracks as they filled me up with happy gas. Zzzrrr...they drilled down what was left of my poor little tooth and built me up a brand-spanking new front tooth. Sparkling white (an almost perfect match)...just a temporary filling before determining whether or not I need a root canal...ugh.

I sat up and walked out to meet my support team. He held my hand and walked me to the sidewalk where he pulled his truck around for momma and me. Good as new...almost. I still had puffy cheeks, a fat lip split open, and the beginning signs of black eyes. Other than that...I officially had a tooth.

I was ready for Christmas with his side of the family.

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