Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pinch Me!

September 24, 2014
We had our injections class with Connie today!  I'm not so much excited about what we learned, but rather the idea of us getting closer to the end.  It is definitely becoming more of a reality now.

Joshua and I were the only ones in the "class", so Connie brought some nursing students in to teach as well.  It was nice to be the only ones going through the process so we could make sure we understood.

As she began teaching us, she asked us, "who will be giving the injections?"

I pointed to him and he pointed to me.

So, she taught us both.

Hubby was a champ.  He is so good at retaining information and he listened attentively as she walked us through step-by-step.  We had a chance to practice what each injection would involve (because there are more than just one type).  One of them was in a pen-shape that allowed you to twist the dial and view the amount in the window.  All we would have to do is pinch me and click.  I wasn't as afraid of that one.

The second type required actual mixing of the medication.  This made me a little nervous.  It came in two vials that you would combine by using the syringe.  Yuck!

The third one was a pre-filled vial that you attached the needle and "tah-dah"!  I liked the idea of that one the most.  (As much as you can when thinking about sticking yourself in your belly).

Since choosing not to speak of our treatment with our family, it has been nice to have the support from other women that have been in my shoes.  My sister-in-law's good friend, Ashley, was blessed with her little boy after going through our doctor.  As a nurse, she has great advice from both personal experience and medical.  Therefore, I have been fortunate enough to lean on her through some of the difficulties.

We received the results back from my ART screen and learned that my amh levels were at the highest they've seen.  "Normal" registers between 4-8.  Mine were at a 21!  Combined with the fact that both of my ovaries are proving to appear very young and fertile with over 25 follicles on each, I am now at a higher risk for developing OHSS, ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome.

Since learning of my situation, the doctor is taking preventative steps by changing my medication protocol.  In fact, they are looking at starting me at only 75mg of follistim which is unheard of since most women use 300mg.   

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