Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I am beginning to reconsider the subject of my book and giving it the title,
"Confessions of a Housewife".

Yes, the brief excerpts would read something along the lines of:

Confession One.
It has been a typical day at our residence.  Today alone I have managed to burn the tip of my finger, get my finger caught in the vacuum attachment, and spill hot wax on my pearl-white furniture.  If only  my sweet husband knew the amount of effort it took to have lunch ready and a clean house to come into; but, thank goodness I had the chance to clean up myself and the house before he makes his presence this evening.

Not only has it been a long day, but after 1047 days of marriage I officially bit the bullet.  Yes, April 2, 2014 marks a milestone for me. 

I know what you're thinking.  "I wonder what awe-inspiring thing she did this time?"  I mean, you have to be curious if I took the time to count up the number of days it has been since our wedding.

Yes, it is a monumentous occasion indeed.  Today, I ironed my husband's clothes.

No, it isn't that I was being stingy and ironing my own clothes and leaving his like a mother teaching their children independence and responsibility.  Actually, I am incredibly guilty of not having ironed a single garment in more than three years.  Thus, my sweet hubby has either gone out in public as a wrinkled, hot mess.  Or, he has ironed his own clothes.  In fact, if I remember correctly, he was the one that brought an iron into our house in the first place. 

So aside from airing out my dirty laundry (or clean laundry) for the world to see, I must admit one more thing.  It is not easy to iron a men's dress shirt!  Not only did I spend more than 40 minutes gently pressing out three dress shirts (after reading the fabric composition on the tag and making sure I utilized the proper setting), I also have to thank the "art of manliness" blog for teaching me the correct way to iron the sleeves.  Who knew?

1 comment:

red dirt revival said...

Girl, I don't iron either! No shame!