Saturday, February 1, 2014


Have you ever stopped and taken a moment to truly reflect on the meaning of that word?


Last week at our LifeGroup, we continued Andy Stanley's, "Staying in Love" bible study.  I don't know that this word was ever really spoken when we listened to Andy's perspective on achieving a God-filled love with our spouses.  However, as he elaborated on verbing our spouses by using actions to love them, this word found its way into my mind.

Building on what we had previously learned, we discussed the importance of mutual submission in our marriages.  Putting yourself below your partner out of pure love for them increases their value in your life and allows you to humble yourself before them.

In preparation for this week's lesson, we had printed cards with the upcoming scripture to meditate on.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the other.

In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had:"

Wow, can I just stop right there and think about how poor of a wife I have been?  It is so easy to expect something out of your husband and keep score in order to have your needs and wants met.  We live in such a "me" mentality, where society tells us that we deserve something.  We deserve to be happy.  We deserve a marriage that fulfills every need we have.  We deserve flowers and chocolates, candy and cards-on a daily basis.  We deserve the biggest house in the neighborhood, the nicest vehicles, and our Louis Vuitton purses.  We deserve to keep up with the Joneses and (heaven forbid) someone has something better/nicer than you-you deserve it, too.

Don't get me wrong, it would be incredibly nice to have all of those things.  And, at some point or another I have probably been guilty of feeling entitled to have them too.  But, to hear these words as a commandment in regards to how I can better love my husband?  I have fallen so short of loving him above myself (without expectations) as Christ loved me.

As if that doesn't hit home for you, we continued to discuss this excerpt by reflecting on what exactly Christ did for us.

"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage..."

Wouldn't you feel like being the King of Kings, Lord of Lords is deserving of a little special treatment.  I mean, maybe a free stay at the local inn on a cold night wouldn't be too much to ask.  Better yet, having the nicest hospital room with additional staff on hand to make your grand entrance into the world.

"...rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a human being, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross."

I could go on-and-on about all of the things this scripture says to me.  Instead, I will pray that God speaks to you in a a way that you need right now.  I will, however, get to my point and share how that one word was placed so heavily on my heart.

Jesus did not expect anything in return for his servanthood to us.

Jesus, the son of God expected nothing in return for giving up his rights to walk among the least of us and serve.

He expected nothing.  Yet, He truly was deserving of the best.  He could have had the world, possessions and all.

He loved us, knowing that we would betray Him.

He loved us more than anyone ever could: saving us from the stones, protecting us from hunger, gracing us with mercy and did it out of pure/unconditional love.

Today, I pray that I can be more like Christ.  I want to love with a servant's heart in a way that I humble myself to become lesser than those around me.  I pray that in my humility, others will see God and give glory to Him...not me.  I pray that I will love my husband as Jesus loved me.  To give and give, until I have nothing left but to give my life in respect for God placing Him as the leader of our house.  I pray that I expect nothing out of my actions, but am made whole in the obedience I have for the Lord.  I pray that I can truly love in a way that forgets all things I may feel I am entitled to, but remembers that I am undeserving of the perfect love Christ showered on me.  I pray that I am the essence of that one word:


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