Friday, October 11, 2013

Turning a New Page

Friday, October 11, 2013 marked my last day in the role of Family Support Coordinator at Family Expectations.  It was such a bittersweet day as I was sad to have to leave so many of the friends I had come to love.  It started like any other Friday.

Come in.
Sit down.
Annette plays the "Good morning song".
Rap to Toby Mac and have a good belly laugh.
Rush to get data entry completed before our team meeting.
Go downstairs and enjoy breakfast with the group.
Take part in fellowship before heading into the training room.

Then, it quickly changed into a room full of emotions.

My director stood in front of the group as he made weekly announcements and called me up to the front.  My true blue personality type took over as my stomach filled with nerves and my eyes filled with tears.  He shared that is was my last day in the role and the experiences we had over the past year and a half.  He mentioned that there were concerns when I took the role whether this was the right position for me to be in. We discussed the fears that come from working in this type of environment day-in and day-out--how he was afraid I would lose the sweet spirit I had come with.  Then, he looked at me and stated that I never lost it. He shared his pride in the work I had put in for Family Expectations and the love I had shown. Then, he turned over the floor as I shared my heart.

I cannot express the ease in which my words came out. I shared my heart with my co-workers and how God was leading me into the ministry.  I discussed my excitement in the turning of a new page and the joy that had come from working with each and every one of them. Then, I took a seat.

But, the expression of love didn't stop there. My supervisor stood in front of everyone and presented me with one of the most thoughtful gifts I could have ever imagined.  She placed in my hands a journal.  Scribed on the front were the words, "For I walk by faith, not by sight".  She shared that my teammates had written memories and words of encouragement as I start this new journey. 

I choked back the tears and let my team know of my gratitude. I listened to what would be my final FE team meeting before heading back to my desk.  There, I was greeted with homemade cookies (one of my weaknesses). People gathered around as they enjoyed their kind words and hugs. 

I wrapped up the morning and packed my belongings before heading out to my grandparents.  It is in moments like these that we are reminded of the impact we have on others and the purpose we serve. As I sat in Gramma and Pawpaw's living room, I carefully flipped through the beautiful journal. Within it were page after page of memories to cherish.  I was amazed by some of the letters that followed-letters of how I had shown the light of the Lord and His fingerprint in all I did.

What a blessing.

The final letter was filled with scripture and encouragement as a co-worker shared her prayer for my family and this new chapter.  Then, the pages were blank.

Thank you, Lord for the opportunity to go where You lead me. I pray You will take the pen as you write the story of my life.  It's all for You.

Here's to the turning of a new page.

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