Friday, October 1, 2010


First of all, let me say this: my momma is the most amazing woman I have ever met. After years of total dependence on this woman, there is something to be said when you wake up and realize you're no longer a little girl. I am a woman...a strong, independent, loving, compassionate woman, AND I am who I am because of her.

Secondly, the day that you walk into that store, walk into that room, step in front of a mirror in a breathtakingly white dress, and she's there...that's a milestone. From birth to bandaids...she's been there for everything. She's watched me make mistakes and learn from them. She's picked me up when I didn't think I could get up. She's cried with me, laughed with me, and shared with me. 22years of learning how to love from her, she has welcomed someone into our family as if they have been there all along. She has shown me that love doesn't fade, it multiplies. As I slipped into the most beautiful gown, lace enveloping me to the ground and beyond, I could look to her. I am so blessed to have my momma in my life.

Lord, thank you so much for my fairytale.

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