Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Food and Fellowship

Apparently I tend to write a lot about what I eat. To continue with this trend, my day was filled with enjoyable moments of food and fellowship.

After a long morning at work, my stomach was starting to tell me that I shouldn't have skipped breakfast. About the same time, my phone moved in my side pocket and my sister asked if I wanted to meet her for lunch.

Well...of course I did! I pulled around the corner and picked her up from work to head over to Spicy Pickle. For those of you that haven't experienced the joy that comes from biting into a delicious slice of Heaven-on-Earth pizzetti from the "Pickle", you're missing out. Somehow the yummy goodness of freshly grated mozzarella, warm artichoke hearts, roma tomatoes, and feta cheese make up for the $9 I was planning on saving by eating my lunchable.

After lunch, we stopped to look at a new boutique next door. I was shocked at how expensive everything was. Close to $200 for a froo-froo skirt for a little girl. I can make that myself! Which is why my big sister and I have decided to create our very own store. No, we haven't got a business backer to spend mega-bucks to put our name on things; And, we don't have a pretty store front to decorate. However, we are crafty people and fully capable of making a few simple pretty things that others would enjoy.

Lunch ended all too soon, and it was back to work for the two of us. Reality.

I managed to fully redo filing systems for two of my co-workers. I guess it was beneficial to both of us because I received a gift card for appreciation in doing so. I like when people are grateful that you exist...and sometimes I don't feel that.

After work, I headed to class for the evening. Biology. Honestly, the professor makes me somewhat look forward to the learning experience that comes along with the drawn out lectures every Monday and Wednesday evening.

I walked (and walked) to my car which I intentionally parked at a greater distance to counteract the entire pizza I demolished at lunch. After almost breaking a sweat, I hopped in the car and drove out to meet my boyfreen. Yes, he has been working the day shift lately (and I'm spoiled rotten because of it).

Oh a whim, we decided to drive out to Eischen's to eat with a friend that lives down the street and his "date".

Again, if you have yet to experience Eischen's, you need to. Their chicken and okra are to die for (literally, I think I clogged an artery in the process of enjoying dinner).

As we wrapped up the lefProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ve you aluminum foil to place over the cardboard containers for "to go boxes"), we twisted the foil into the shape of a swan. Well, sort of. It ended up looking like a dragon at first. Then, it transformed into a beautiful...turkey?

We practically crawled to the pickup we were so stuffed, and we started the dark drive back to the house. Once we dropped off the neighbors, we were pretty much to the point of exhaustion from being so full (I think it was because of the chemical that's in least that's my excuse). We called it a night and I finally enjoyed a full night of sleep for the first time in over a week.

Thank you, food.

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