Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Timothy and Bailee, Sittin' in a Tree


As of March 8th, I have officially booked my first set of "big-girl photographer" clients. Have you ever met someone that when you looked at the way they interacted with one another...you just knew they were in love. No, I'm not talking about the, "I'm so in love with the way you look that I can't keep my hands off of you". I'm not even talking about the, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I'm SO in love with you" people. You know the type, they look all "googly-eyed" at each other and you can't tell where one personality stops and the other begins.

After meeting Tim and Bailee during their engagement session, I realize that they are the couple that you think, "You show the world what it means when God says unconditional." They are so tapped into each other's spiritual lives that they shine in love when you see them together...


I have the amazing honor and blessing of capturing this love on film on the biggest day of their lives. Yes, I'm officially shooting a wedding.

Believe-you-me, I am nervous like you wouldn't believe. Seriously, I have that shaky feeling in the pit of my stomach that doesn't even allow you to actually shake because you're so far beyond just "feeling" scared. This isn't something you can re-do if I mess up. However, I have to start somewhere...right?


That's what I thought. So, despite my inmost fears...I'm going for it. (Thanks for your understood agreement that I graciously answered for you).

Now, it's off to work...

Researching photographs, planning poses, making checklists, meetings with the clients, testing equipment in the venue, and shooting the most amazing pictures I can possible take...I love photography.

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