Friday, February 12, 2010

Never Knock Out Your Front Tooth...

Any other week, Friday would be a wonderful day. This week...not so much. I woke up bright and early to go to the dentist to finally get my "permanent tooth" after my Christmas day incident. The first thing that popped into my head as I opened my eyes was, "I get a new tooth today!" I was so, so excited.

Unfortunately, once I was in the chair they decided to do a root canal while they were at it. Gee Doc....thanks so much.

Bad deal.

First of all, I've never had a root canal in my life. Those things hurt! Bad! On top of the awful pain of having someone stick an orange-colored stick inside of what was left of my perfectly shaped tooth, you are dealing with a person that is obsessed with teeth. Call me crazy, but I take pride in the little white pearls that were so graciously given to me by the good Lord himself. I mean, I brush multiple times a day to ensure they are clean and shiny white. Seems sensible, right?

Apparently there are no people on the face of the planet that have white teeth besides me. At least that's what my dentist made it sound like. It was such an inconvenience to try to "match" my new tooth with my current tooth-color. They started mixing materials together to get a "whiter" look. After realizing that sealant is a light-cured material (when it fell off of the front of my temporary tooth) he pushed it back on with his fingers and used the blue light to set it.

Logically, (yeah, right) the dentist decided to make my tooth shorter in order to avoid sensitivity problems. Since the temporary that had been placed after Christmas was a tiny bit larger, it had shifted one of my teeth a little bit. In order to allow my tooth to "correct itself", he drilled a gap in between my two front teeth with the hopes that it would grow together.

Then, the dentist told me I could have a couple of the ladies at the front desk help me pick out a shade to order in my porcelain veneer. When I noticed that the lightest swatch was still "yellow", I asked the receptionist if there were more colors. Her reply was, "Well, if you don't do anything to your teeth for a while, they will eventually yellow-up."

Really? Really, lady? a dentist office...expect me to stop taking care of my teeth so that they will match a fake tooth?

As I got into the car, Mr. Ijustwanttobringasmiletoyourface had a bouquet full of roses sitting on the seat. One look, and I immediately broke down in tears. The laughing gas apparently didn't do the job, because I was hysterically crying for 30minutes straight.

Once we got to my parent's house, my mom took one look at my mouth and called the dentist. I guess it takes a Momma's voice sometimes...the dentist told me to come back up and they would see what they could do to match it.


A girls best/worst friend.

On the bright-side, he brushed the front of my fake tooth with a white material and lengthened the tooth to make it a little closer to the length of my original. On the down-side, I have an insanely white tooth against my pre-existing white-ish tooth (for at least 2 weeks). It's awful.

I go back first thing next week when the man from the lab brings in a new swatch with whites on it.

After a LONG morning at the dentist, I went to the doctor. Then I got a WONDERFUL massage at a local spa. Finally, I met my amazing family to make a Friday night better.

I tell you what, Italian food makes any day a good day. Honestly, it does...

To wrap up the day, I went home with my big sister to craft and watch Nicholas Spark's movies. Unfortunately, we only made it through one movie and we were already boo-hooing like you wouldn't believe. We sat and talked for a while until I headed out for the evening.

Note to reader(s):
-Never carry metal (or sharp objects) while walking on the ice. BUT, if you do...

-Never knock out your front tooth. BUT, if you do...

-Never let a dentist tell you that your newly installed tooth will someday match your teeth if you neglect to take care of them. BUT, if you do...

-Never forget to tell the amazingly wonderful man in your life how much it means to you that they take care of you and bring you flowers when you've had a root canal from experiencing the above mentioned no-no's.


-Enjoy some amazing Italian food with the people you love the most, confide in your big sister, and watch sappy love-movies until your eyes swell from crying so much.

The End.

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