Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hurt, anger, frustration,
I'm overwhelmed with my life.
Let me out of this body.
Take me.
Lord, I'm out of it.
I'm out of the loop...
Out of myself...
Out of everything.
I want out of this life.
Lord, help me.
Help me breathe...
Help me live...
Help me make it out.
I want to run.
Lord, I want to run to you,
Away from hurt...
Away from pain...
Away from people, my enemies...
Away from who I am,
Just away.
Take me Lord.
Take me to your arms.
Lift me up,
Up to the stars...
Up to the sunshine...
Up to you.

I cry, weep, wail
I can't stop.
My throat hurts.
I'm drowning,
Drowning in my own tears.
I can't breathe...
Can't talk...
I just cry.
Lord, I hate so much.
I never hate anything.
I hate the violence around me...
The sin.
I hate the path I'm stuck on.
I hate them hurting me.
I hate me.
Lord, hold me.
Hold my heart...
My life...
My body...
Embrace me.
I don't want to leave your arms.
I want to stay with you.
Let me stay.
Keep me.
Don't make me come down.
I just want to stay.

I wake up,
A dream.
I feel like I'm in a nightmare.
It's real.
Oh Lord, it's real.
I can't wake up.
Wake me up!
Let me go back to you!
Oh please...
I want to be with you.
I don't want to be here.
I'm barely alive inside,
Barely here.
I'm just walking around.
I'm just a fake heartbeat.
Lord, please.

Hurt, anger, frustration,
I'm overwhelmed with my life.

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