Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Time Keeps on Ticking

Confession three:
Now that I am working off of a time clock, I find it incredibly easy to get caught up in the evenings and stay up late.  Therefore, last night I came across "The Parent Trap" on the television just minutes before we typically call it a night.  Since hubby has been blessed with the ability to fall asleep-any place, any time-I decided to keep it on for just a few minutes longer while he was sawing logs.

First of all, I started to get very worked up every time a commercial would come on.  Thus, I was prompted to look at the tv guide to see how much longer I had to wait for the show to be over.  I immediately noticed that what would take a mere hour and half to watch straight through was scheduled for an hour longer due to society's need to attack you with marketing.  Yes, I was grouchy about it.  After all, it was past my bedtime.

It doesn't take much to notice that I do not like for things to be left unfinished.  I find myself thinking back to a comedy sitcom I watched where they poked fun at one of the character's need for closure.  Then I realized.  This is me. 

I do not like to flip the radio in the middle of a song, leave a task half-done, or turn off the television before watching the ending.  Therefore, I stayed up way too late watching a cheesy, kids movie.

If only it were that simple.  Unfortunately, when I pushed the OFF button on my remote my brain didn't agree.  In fact, I found myself thinking of the endless list of things I needed to do.  I planned the following day and contemplated upcoming vacation desires.  Being married to a realist, I was then reminded of the fact that funds were limited in this dream vacation and had to problem solve how to make the most of what we had.  I mentally sorted through items for our garage sale and added up what I thought we would be able to put into the bank.


That was where I went wrong.  With math being my most challenging subject, I found myself carrying the one and trying to total the addition problem I had created in my head.  Thus, I had a very restless evening while time just kept on ticking.

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