Friday, January 31, 2014


I have heard time-and-time again that everything will happen at the right time.  Now, to be perfectly honest this is of no encouragement when you are standing in the storm.

When trials hit, I imagine myself alone in the pouring rain, cold and shaking.  Looking to the sky I ask God, "can I get an umbrella?"  Sometimes our prayers are answered immediately, as if God places the umbrella directly into our hands.  Other times, our answer may come in the form of a stranger that may walk up to us and give us shelter under their umbrella and guide us out of the rain.  However, sometimes we are left standing alone wondering why we are still getting wet.

I think back to a song that was sung in church, years ago.  I can remember the moment vividly when a sweet woman named Kayla walked up on stage and had the voice of an angel.  She sang honestly of something so significant called "gratitude".

More than a decade later I can remember bits and pieces of the song as she sang about the reality that sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers in the way we want.  In fact, when we pray for our daily bread and roof to shelter us, we may be faced with an experience that teaches us to hunger after the Lord and witness His vast creation in all the stars.  In those moments, we should never cease to give thanks to God.

Why is it, that we often give God a hard time when He doesn't immediately give us an umbrella; yet, we don't see the bigger picture in that He can bring the sun?  I'm reminded in times like these that we have to focus not on our will, but recognize that God-the creator of all the earth, the one that gives light to the world, and the very being that died for our sins in selfless love-has the power to change our destiny for the good.

Months ago, I was at that crossroad looking up in the clouds and asking God to give me protection.  Had I focused on my will, I would have given up when He chose to keep me in the storm until the sun could shine in all its glory.

My timing would have very much changed the course of my today.

  • Had I allowed myself to stay in a position where my heart was being torn, I would have been selfishly focusing on my wants and getting nothing out of my job.
  • Had I not put in my two weeks' notice-out of total faith that God would provide financially, He may not have entrusted us with my husband's new job-after he had searched for more than four years.
  • Had he not taken the job and me not have been obedient to God's calling, I strongly believe I never would have been accepted into a ministry role at my church as He had prepared the next position for me.
  • Had I not taken the position at my church, I never would have grown closer to individuals that I call "friends" or been given clarity on a deeper calling for my marriage.
  • Had we not addressed the issues of what was going on in our marriage, we may have thrown in the towel or missed out on one of God's greatest blessings in life.
  • And, had none of the things happened in the course as they did, I may never have been entrusted with the role to protect and take care of my house and marriage by staying-at-home which has already opened more doors than I could have ever imagined.

God's will and timing, my friends, is so much better than our own.  Despite the hardships we may face and how difficult it may be to hear those words, we must not lose sight of His infinite grace.  When we trust Him and are obedient according to His word, we are granted the opportunity to experience His love in a way that can lead others to know Him.

I am so blessed by the fact that I have lived through the storm.  In fact, some days it rains harder than others and I am left feeling alone and cold.  However, I have learned in those moments to reflect on the unconditional love of Christ and find shelter and warmth in Him.  I am blessed beyond all measure to be where I am today.  I know that this is not the end of a story, but rather just the beginning.  I look forward to how God can use me as I am open to what He wants for my life.  I pray over each of you that you will trust God more and more and find comfort in your own storm.

May I be an example and friend to some to share my umbrella when necessary and support you by extending the hands and feet of Christ.  No matter where you are today, remember that everything will happen in God's timing...if you let Him.

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