Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Absolutely Love You...

Today was absolutely gorgeous far the best weather of the summer. The school parking lot, however, was NOT so pretty. Since I had to purchase my textbook for my Monday/Wednesday class, I showed up to the University almost an hour early (predicting the parking situation). After driving through the east parking lot, the northeast parking lot, the north parking lot, back through the northeast parking lot, around to the southeast parking lot, and back into the east parking lot...I spotted someone walking straight to their car. I pulled down to the aisle and turned on my blinker.

*Blink, blink.
Blink, blink.

I waited for almost ten minutes before he decided to actually leave the parking place. I was NOT complaining though. Then, I walked to the U.C. Spotting my former co-worker from the "shoe room" days, I stopped to chit-chat for a few minutes before walking into the bookstore. Thank goodness there wasn't a line. I grabbed the best "used" book off the shelf (still $124 as a PAPERBACK) and checked out.

Still a little early for class, I walked to the nearest computer lab and printed off my syllabus and powerpoint for day's lecture. This came in VERY handy as I was able to write on the printed pages and follow along with the information. Before I knew it, class was over. I made my way back to a computer to check my mail and catch up on this lovely blog of mine. Since it's the first week of classes, we have the traditional "stampede week" where organizations set up booths to recruit newcomers. I even got to see my dear friend, Mandi (of Mandi-isms). Then, I found some fellow-FLEers and talked for a while before making my way to lunch.

Why yes, yes I DID enjoy Qdoba for the THIRD time this week (only a small portion)...AND I treated myself to a dollar's worth of yogurt, granola, and fruit at Pink Swirls. A filling and nutritious meal for less than $5...I think I did well.

Since I had a couple of hours to kill, I went back to my apartment and watched a little TV while cleaning up the place. Then, I drove back to campus for my final class of the day. Boy, oh boy, did I NOT want to go to class. When I said how gorgeous it was outside, I meant it. It was SO nice out that it made for the PERFECT picnic weather. I was so sad that the love-of-my-life was already off work for the day and I was stuck inside wasting daylight.

The class wasn't a total bust. My professor was great and really passionate about helping people (which makes me like her all the more). You can tell she wasn't one of the typical, "I'm here because I have to make some money and my education makes me know so much more than you". No, she definitely wanted us to learn the material to be on the same page as her when it comes to helping to prevent/educate people we serve in our field. However, the video she selected to inform us of this WAS a complete loss. I don't think I've ever had THAT much trouble being attentive in class. On top of the 80's hairstyles and monotonous voices, I did not see how in the world the material could have been retained at the rate they were talking. I was SO thankful that she released us minutes early.

As soon as we could see one another, we drove to pick up sandwiches and cruise around with the windows down. Let me tell you, evenings fly by when you actually want to enjoy them. Before I knew it, it was dark out and the warm air had officially retired.

After driving me home, I immediately got ready for bed. We talked for a while before I finally turned into bed. Jokingly, I asked before going to sleep, "Are you sure you love me?"

"I absolutely love you," he said.

And those words were the perfect ending to wrap up a beautiful day.

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