Tuesday, March 9, 2010


First-things-first, I got up and around to head to work. While I was driving, I couldn't help but call and wish my Momma a very happy birthday.

-Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Biiirthdaaay dear Mooommmaaa.
Haaaappy Biiiirthday toooo yoooou.

Then, I went on with my day.

After a semi-long day of work and classes, I headed over to my parents' house to go out for her birthday. We already had a great birthday night in the works for the following Friday at The Melting Pot, so we decided to go somewhere simple for the evening.

When my Daddy asked what she wanted to eat, she laughingly commented how much she loved Whataburger. Yes, Whataburger.

On the way there, we spotted hundreds of black birds lining the electrical wires. It was almost eerie how many there were. Then, in her precious 3yr old mind, my niece simply said, "You better watch out! That's a mommy bird and she's about to poop!" After calming my giggles, I asked how she knew that it was a mommy bird. With a frustrated look, I disregarded the question. (I guess I should have understood that a 3yr old...just knows.) Then, she continued by saying, "There's a billy of them!"

Oh...to be three.

Once we got to Whataburger, (somewhere I hadn't been in years) we devoured our meals and decided to stop and get dessert on the way home. ColdStone, Braums, Starbucks...

I asked Momma what she wanted for "D-E-S-S-E-R-T".

-"It's called dessert aunt Brittany."

Wow, she's catching on so fast.

Having tried Pink Swirls and Orange Tree (Now split up and called Orange Leaf and PeachWave...odd), I had yet to try Lushberries. So, decided to stop by and give it a whirl. And?

Taro is still my favorite...and I was a little disappointed that I couldn't have my sprinkles on top of my deliciously nutritious frozen yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, and other yummy fruits. However, the company made up for it.

All-in-all, it was a great night.

*I've learned over the years that I love my family...and ice cream.

Happy Birthday, Momma!

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